Forum Discussion

Frank_J_104756's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Apr 14, 2008

f5fpapi.dll version difference

I opened a support case for a customer while onsite and received the answer that F5 support doesn't handle SDK I needed to post the question on the forums. Any illumination would be greatly appreciated! SDK was pulled down from



The text from case is below.




The SDK ships with the f5fpapi.dll. This .dll however is a different version than the one that the customer downloads from the 6.0.2 firepass when he downloads the client.



FP version is 6020.2008.212.2005


SDK version is 2004.5.3.1



Customer has application folks chomping at the bit to get into the API and do their POC but there is concern on them doing their work against the older .dll and it not working with the new .dll from the 6.0.2
  • Andrey_Shigapo1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    The API is backward compatible, so their application should work with the new version of .dll from 6.0.2 build.


    Do you have more information on what exactly is not working ?



    Thank you



  • Frank_J_104756's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    There are no issues yet. The app folks at the company did their initial tests a year ago on 5.51. They're ready to start the real development and go into Beta and they wanted reassurance that the .dll's were compatible. What we did was send them the .dll that the users will be using, the one downloaded from the FP to do their dev on. Thanks for the reassurance about the backwards compatibility. I've passed that on to the customer.
  • Hi,



    We are developing our VPN based application that uses f5fpapi.dll. Our app works fine with IE6 and below. However, with IE7 and IE8 installed, we noticed that f5fpapi.dll could not be registered successfully using regsvr32. Do you know the cause for this? Also, can you send me the latest f5fpapi.dll



    Thank you very much!



    Jim Sun


    Senior Software Engineer


    Omgeo LLC.