Forum Discussion

MarvinL21's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 15, 2024

F5 r2600 Tenant Disk Sizing

Hi F5 community, could you please share the typical disk size you assign for the R2600 for a single tenancy? Since the r2600 only supports 1 tenancy, would it be best practice to allocate the max size? 

  • Since the R2600 has a 480GB hard drive , I think you can use the tenant image of T4 , which supports upgrading in tenant. Another,I remember there seems to be a threshold on the disk allocation for tenants which is 297GB? Hope it helps :)


  • twenty's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Since the R2600 has a 480GB hard drive , I think you can use the tenant image of T4 , which supports upgrading in tenant. Another,I remember there seems to be a threshold on the disk allocation for tenants which is 297GB? Hope it helps :)