Forum Discussion

Kevin_Keyser_51's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 09, 2011

F5 Management Pack that cannot be upgraded

I'm trying to reinstall the latest MP after uninstalling and I receive this message.



<02-09-2011 03:24:58> Info: Found an existing installation of the F5 Networks Managment Pack version:


<02-09-2011 03:24:58> Info: Found .NET framework installed: v3.5 SP


<02-09-2011 03:24:58> Info: Started installation of the F5 Networks Management Pack


<02-09-2011 03:24:58> Info: msi logging parameters: /lwecma!


<02-09-2011 03:24:58> Info: System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 (Version 6.1.7221.0) found.


<02-09-2011 03:24:58> FatalError: You are running a version of the F5 Management Pack that cannot be upgraded. Please uninstall the current version from add/remove programs and try to run this Setup program again.



I've checked and there is no listing in add/remove programs.


Is there a reg key, directory or something that was missed?





1 Reply

  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Kevin,



    Please do a search on the following registry key (which is the F5 Management Pack Product ID): 25A24716-2386-4A95-B1B0-FDCE320AFB19 and remove the container registry hive(s). Attempt the install again and let us know if you still have problems.





    F5 Management Pack