Forum Discussion
F5 GTM Upgrade in Viprion with LTM
We have to plan a Viprion Software upgrade.
Suppose we have two data center (say A and B) and 4 Viprion. 2(A1,A2) dedicated for one data center and 2(B1,B2) dedicated for other.
A1 contains - a1(LTM), a2(LTM),a3(LTM) and a4(GTM Internal)
A2 Contains - a5(LTM), a6(LTM), a7(LTM), a4(GTM External)
B1 contains - b1(LTM), b2(LTM),b3(LTM) and b4(GTM Internal)
B2 Contains - b5(LTM), b6(LTM), b7(LTM), b8(GTM External)
Now we are planning to upgrade to both Viprion pair in two different weeks.
But GTM is creating issue.
Note - a4 and b4 are stand alone and synced. Similarly a8 and b are stand alone and synced.
My question - If I plan upgrade A1 in first week, I have to upgrade a4 and a8. In that a4 and b4 will be in different version and a8 and b8 will be in different version for one week.
I just wanted to know, will there be any issue if GTM pairs are in different versions for one week(Note pairs are standalone but synced).
Will there be any kind of traffic of conflict issue?
Or any suggestion how to plan?
- JRahm
Hi Deepu While GTMs are different versions, you cannot sync them. Which is fine, but you'll need to either freeze DNS updates for the duration of your overall maintenance window (getting both sets of Viprion guests upgraded), OR you'll need to make updates to each GTM since they are not synced. Just make sure to designate one or the other of each your internal/external to be the source of truth in your upgrade plan, and add the other back into sync. Specific steps around the GTM sync process are here in this very thorough MyF5 knowledge article. Hope this helps!
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