Forum Discussion

nspkannan_16294's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 23, 2017

F5 behaviour after cookie expires

What happens when the cookie expires, but the client is still connected and session is active. Will F5 forward the client to the same backend server or run load balancing algorithm to choose the servers from the pool?


  • Hi,


    you are talking about persistence insert cookie?


    the default configuration is to define cookie persistence with "session cookie" expiration. in this configuration, the cookie does not expire until the browser is closed.


  • Hi,


    If a packet arrives at the VS, the connection table will be checked to see if there is an active session. If this is not the case, the persistency table will be checked for an entry. If this is also not the case a load balancing decision is made.


    So it looks from you description (there is an active session), the same back-end server is used.


    Regards, Martijn.