Mar 13, 2023Altostratus
F5 automation
I would like to automate the csr generation to renew certificate. here is the script
tmsh create sys crypto csr {key_name}.csr partition {data["partition"]} common-name {cert[cert_name]["common-name"] ' 'key /{partition}/{key_fullname}'
I got this error:
['Unable to extract key information from "/config/filestore/files_d/partition_d/certificate_key_d/:partition:key_name_65813_1"to "/var/system/tmp/tmsh/YgC3se/ssl.key//partition/key_name"\n']
Please someone know how to solve this.
why there is double slashes in the "/var/system/tmp/tmsh/YgC3se/ssl.key//partition/key_name".