Forum Discussion

AndrewAdiUK's avatar
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Jul 09, 2019

F5 Access App and Machine Certificates

Hi All,


I am currently working with APM 13.1.1, attempting to get use the F5 Access Windows 10 integrated VPN app. My configuration contains Machine Certificates, is the F5 Access app capable of working with Machine Certificates?


I haven't got the ability to test it at the moment, but need a PoC.


Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Andrew,


    F5 App support client certificate authentication, and client can be a machine or an end-user, there is no differences in APM. So yes it support it normally.

  • Hi Andrew,


    F5 App support client certificate authentication, and client can be a machine or an end-user, there is no differences in APM. So yes it support it normally.