F5 returns uncompressed HTTP response
Our backend servers run Apache and the gzip/deflate is done on this servers, after this we have a Varnish system that queries the apache servers and store the compressed javascript in cache. If we query the apache server we get a gzip response of 100kb, if we query the Varnish server directly we receive a gzipped response of 100kb but if we use the F5 VIP to query the same file, the file is returned uncrompressed with 400kb.
Here's our VIP settings using show running-config command:
ltm virtual VIP-test {
destination ip:http
ip-protocol tcp
pool w-g1
profiles {
tcp { }
source-address-translation {
pool snat_pool_1
type snat
translate-address enabled
translate-port enabled
vs-index 108
Any idea on what may be the issue?