Forum Discussion
Extract content of Certificate key file with REST or Ansible
Hi Community,
I'm working on an automation for renewing Certificates on multiple BIG-IP's using Ansible.
As not all available Ansible F5 modules provide what is required, I'm currently using a mix of modules and REST calls (which is call from Ansible).
What works so far is:
- Create new CSR/Key on BIG-IP
- Get new "CA based" Cert and upload to the BIG-IP
- Upload the same Cert to other BIG-IP's
- Update SSL profiles on multiple BIG-IP's
- and some others tasks, like irules..etc
Anyhow, what doesnt work so far is to get the content of the key which was created on the first device together with the CSR. Basically I dont have the key which needs to be uploaded to the other BIG-IP's as well.
From the CLI, the following gives me what I need:
cat /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/certificate_key_d/*name.key*
The problem with this is, I cant integrate it in Ansible using the bigip_command – Run TMSH and BASH commands on F5 devices module. Looks like only tmsh commands are supported even though it states BASH as well. Plus I try to avoid using this module whenever possible in a first place.
Through the GUI, simple export and import on an other device - done, but obviously not automated.
I have tried all possible Ansible modules as well as REST calls, but dont get the content out of the .key file.
I thought that this would/should be a simple tasks. If anyone's done this using any approach please share.
I could create a new key and get a cert for each device, but first try to find out if there's another way.
Thanks in advance,
As mentioned before, I prefer creating the private/public key pair outside the BIG-IP and finally upload the signed certificate and chain to the BIG-IP device(s).
Here is how I create the key material and CSR (and sign it locally for testing purposes):
- hosts: localhost gather_facts: yes tasks: - name: retrieve system time information (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS) set_fact: ansible_clock_information: "{{ '%s%s%s_%s%s%s' | format(ansible_date_time.year, ansible_date_time.month,, ansible_date_time.hour, ansible_date_time.minute, ansible_date_time.second) }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: debug ansible_clock_information debug: msg: "{{ ansible_clock_information }}" - name: include variables file (required for local CA access) no_log: true include_vars: sample_credentials.yml - name: include certificate variables file and suppress logging include_vars: file: "{{ certificate_data }}" name: certificate_config - name: debug variables debug: msg: "{{ certificate_config.server_certificate }}" - name: create string of subject alternative names when defined in inventory set_fact: san_list: "{{ san_list | default([]) + ['DNS:%s' | format(] }}" with_items: "{{ certificate_config.server_certificate.subject_alternative_names | selectattr('name', 'defined') | list }}" when: certificate_config.server_certificate.subject_alternative_names is defined - name: debug string of subject alternative names debug: msg: "{{ san_list }}" - name: add signing request name and properties to data structure set_fact: csr_data: "{{ { 'csr_type': certificate_config.server_certificate.key_type, 'csr_length': certificate_config.server_certificate.key_length, 'csr_prefix': 'cert', 'csr_suffix': ansible_clock_information, 'csr_name':, 'csr_cn': certificate_config.server_certificate.subject.common_name, 'csr_san': san_list | default(['DNS:%s' | format(]) | join(','), 'csr_country': certificate_config.server_certificate.subject.location_country | default('US'), 'csr_state': server_certificate.subject.location_state | default(''), 'csr_city': certificate_config.server_certificate.subject.location_city | default(''), 'csr_organization': certificate_config.server_certificate.subject.organization_name | default(''), } }}" - name: debug data debug: msg: "{{ csr_data }}" - name: assemble key material file name set_fact: key_file_name: "{{ csr_data.csr_prefix + '_' + csr_data.csr_name + '_' + csr_data.csr_suffix }}" - name: assemble certificate subject set_fact: certificate_subject: "{{ '/C=' + csr_data.csr_country + '/ST=' + csr_data.csr_state + '/L=' + csr_data.csr_city + '/O=' +csr_data.csr_organization + '/CN=' + csr_data.csr_cn }}" - name: generate a new private/public key pair command: openssl gen{{ csr_data.csr_type | lower }} -out ~/ssl/server/material/{{ key_file_name }}.key {{ csr_data.csr_length }} - name: generate temporary config files with subject alternative names copy: dest: "~/ssl/server/tmp/{{ key_file_name }}.cnf" content: | [SAN] subjectAltName={{ csr_data.csr_san }} [ req ] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name [ req_distinguished_name ] - name: generate CSRs command: openssl req -new -sha256 -reqexts SAN -key ~/ssl/server/material/{{ key_file_name }}.key -out ~/ssl/server/material/{{ key_file_name }}.csr -subj '{{ certificate_subject }}' -config ~/ssl/server/tmp/{{ key_file_name }}.cnf - name: generate key/csr information set_fact: key_csr_info: reference: "{{ csr_data.csr_name }}" timestamp: "{{ csr_data.csr_suffix }}" new_key: "{{ key_file_name + '.key' }}" new_csr: "{{ key_file_name + '.csr' }}" - name: save timestamp information to local file copy: content: "{{ key_csr_info | to_nice_yaml }}" dest: "{{ '~/ssl/server/material/' | format(csr_data.csr_name) }}" force: yes - name: print file locations debug: msg: - "{{ 'new private key created: ~/ssl/server/material/' + key_file_name + '.key' }}" - "{{ 'new signing req created: ~/ssl/server/material/' + key_file_name + '.csr' }}" - "{{ 'new key/csr information: ~/ssl/server/material/' | format(csr_data.csr_name) }}" - name: sign certificate with local CA command: openssl ca -notext -md sha256 -days 730 -batch -passin pass:{{ intermediate_ca_credentials.secret }} -out ~/ssl/server/material/{{ key_file_name }}.crt -config ~/ssl/intermediate/openssl.cnf -extensions server_cert -in ~/ssl/server/material/{{ key_file_name }}.csr - name: save intermediate CA chain (src is referencing the locally saved chain of intermediate CAs) copy: src: "~/ssl/intermediate/crt/intermediate-ca.crt" dest: "{{ '~/ssl/server/material/chain_' + csr_data.csr_name + '_' + csr_data.csr_suffix + '.crt' }}" - name: print file locations debug: msg: - "{{ 'new signed cert created: ~/ssl/server/material/' + key_file_name + '.csr' }}" - "{{ 'new intermediate saved: ~/ssl/server/material/chain_' + csr_data.csr_name + '_' + csr_data.csr_suffix + '.crt' }}"
Cheers, Stephan
Hi Stefan,
I guess using SOAP is not an option: ?
Another option, but that is also sort of working around the problem, you can download files like described here:
Means the private key file must exist in https://<ip address>/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/<filename>, maybe as a copy.
- Stefan_EngelCirrus
Thanks Daniel. might work, but not supported in v15.x.x or later anymore.
I solved it like this..may not the prettiest, but works:
- name: Extract Certificate Private Key raw: cat /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/certificate_key_d/\:Common:vanity_{{request_id}}.key* register: vanity_key become: yes delegate_to: "{{ provider.server }}" vars: ansible_ssh_user: "{{ provider.user }}" ansible_ssh_pass: "{{ provider.password }}" - name: Import Cert Key bigip_ssl_key: name: "vanity_{{ request_id }}" state: present content: "{{ vanity_key.stdout }}" provider: "{{ provider }}"
Exporting key material is not supported as far as I know. Using the CLI is the only option I am aware of.
Only a CSR can be exported.
Creating a CSR:
- name: create string of subject alternative names when defined in inventory set_fact: san_list: "{{ san_list | default([]) + ['DNS:%s' | format(] }}" with_items: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].subject_alternative_names | selectattr('name', 'defined') | list }}" when: hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].subject_alternative_names is defined - name: add signing request name and properties to data structure set_fact: csr_data: "{{ { 'csr_consumer': 'ltm', 'csr_prefix': 'cert', 'csr_suffix': device_info[inventory_hostname].ansible_host_time, 'csr_name': hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].name, 'csr_cn': hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].subject.common_name, 'csr_san': san_list | default(['DNS:%s' | format(hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].name)]) | join(','), 'csr_country': hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].subject.location_country | default('US'), 'csr_state': hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].subject.location_state | default(''), 'csr_city': hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].subject.location_city | default(''), 'csr_organization': hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].subject.organization_name | default(''), } }}" - name: create certificate signing request on load balancer uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/tm/sys/crypto/csr method: POST headers: X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body_format: json body: 'name': "{{ csr_data.csr_prefix + '_' + csr_data.csr_name + '_' + csr_data.csr_suffix }}" 'key': "{{ csr_data.csr_prefix + '_' + csr_data.csr_name + '_' + csr_data.csr_suffix }}" 'common-name': "{{ csr_data.csr_cn }}" 'subject-alternative-name': "{{ csr_data.csr_san }}" 'country': "{{ csr_data.csr_country }}" 'state': "{{ csr_data.csr_state }}" 'city': "{{ csr_data.csr_city }}" 'organization': "{{ csr_data.csr_organization }}" 'consumer': "{{ csr_data.csr_consumer }}" register: result until: result.status == 200 retries: 40 delay: 5 when: csr_data is defined
Exporting a CSR:
- name: add certificate signing request name to data structure set_fact: csr_data: "{{ { 'csr_prefix': 'cert', 'csr_suffix': device_info[inventory_hostname].ansible_host_time, 'csr_name': hostvars[inventory_hostname].certificates.server[0].name, 'csr_file_extension': 'csr' } }}" - name: debug data debug: msg: "{{ csr_data }}" - name: export certificate signing request uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/tm/util/bash method: POST headers: X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body_format: json body: command: run utilCmdArgs: "-c 'tmsh list sys crypto csr {{ csr_data.csr_prefix + '_' + csr_data.csr_name + '_' + csr_data.csr_suffix }} | sed -re \'/-----/,/-----/!d\''" register: csr_result - name: debug data debug: msg: "{{ csr_result.json.commandResult }}" - name: save certificate signing request to local file and replace encoded new line characters copy: content: "{{ csr_result.json.commandResult | regex_replace('\\n', '\n') }}" dest: "{{ '~/ssl/server/csr/%s.%s' | format(csr_data.csr_prefix + '_' + csr_data.csr_name + '_' + csr_data.csr_suffix, csr_data.csr_file_extension) }}" force: yes
Uploading all key material:
- name: register cert file properties stat: path: "{{ crt_file_path }}" register: crt_properties when: crt_file_path is defined - name: set certificate file size information set_fact: crt_file_size: "{{ crt_properties.stat.size }}" when: crt_properties is defined - name: register key file properties stat: path: "{{ key_file_path }}" register: key_properties when: key_file_path is defined - name: set key file size information set_fact: key_file_size: "{{ key_properties.stat.size }}" when: key_properties is defined - name: register chain file properties stat: path: "{{ chain_file_path }}" register: chain_properties when: chain_file_path is defined - name: set chain file size information set_fact: chain_file_size: "{{ chain_properties.stat.size }}" when: chain_properties is defined - name: copy certificate to temp directory uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/{{ crt_file_name }} method: POST headers: Content-Range: "0-{{ crt_file_size | int - 2 }}/{{ crt_file_size }}" Content-Type: "application/octet-stream" X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body: "{{ lookup('file', crt_file_path) }}" - name: copy key to temp directory uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/{{ key_file_name }} method: POST headers: Content-Range: "0-{{ key_file_size | int - 2 }}/{{ key_file_size }}" Content-Type: "application/octet-stream" X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body: "{{ lookup('file', key_file_path) }}" - name: copy chain to temp directory uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/{{ chain_file_name }} method: POST headers: Content-Range: "0-{{ chain_file_size | int - 2 }}/{{ chain_file_size }}" Content-Type: "application/octet-stream" X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body: "{{ lookup('file', chain_file_path) }}" - name: copy certificate to TMOS filestore (TMOS v14+) uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/tm/sys/crypto/cert method: POST headers: X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body_format: json body: command: install name: "{{ '%s_%s_%s' | format(crt_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix) }}" from-local-file: "/var/config/rest/downloads/tmp/{{ '%s_%s_%s.%s' | format(crt_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix,crt_file_extension) }}" - name: copy key to TMOS filestore (TMOS v14+) uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/tm/sys/crypto/key method: POST headers: X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body_format: json body: command: install name: "{{ '%s_%s_%s' | format(crt_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix) }}" from-local-file: "/var/config/rest/downloads/tmp/{{ '%s_%s_%s.%s' | format(crt_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix,key_file_extension) }}" - name: copy chain to TMOS filestore (TMOS v14+) uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/tm/sys/crypto/cert method: POST headers: X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body_format: json body: command: install name: "{{ '%s_%s_%s' | format(chain_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix) }}" from-local-file: "/var/config/rest/downloads/tmp/{{ '%s_%s_%s.%s' | format(chain_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix,crt_file_extension) }}" - name: specifiy name of profile (TMOS v14+ does not use the file extension) set_fact: profile: "{{ '%s_%s_%s' | format(profile_prefix,crt_name,profile_suffix) }}" - name: lookup current cert, key and chain assignments in client-ssl profile uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/client-ssl/{{ profile }}?$select=cert,key,chain method: GET headers: X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" register: lookup_result - name: modify existing client-ssl persistence uri: validate_certs: no url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/client-ssl/{{ profile }} method: PATCH headers: X-F5-Auth-Token: "{{ device_info[inventory_hostname].token }}" body_format: json body: cert: "{{ '%s_%s_%s' | format(crt_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix) }}" key: "{{ '%s_%s_%s' | format(crt_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix) }}" chain: "{{ '%s_%s_%s' | format(chain_prefix,crt_name,crt_suffix) }}"
If you are exporting the key material anyway, why not creating the key pair and CSR outside the F5? (see next reply, please)
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