Forum Discussion
Exporting a DDoS Profile
Hi, I have a DDoS profile in my Test environment which I want to export so I can import it into our Production Environment. Is this possible?
Recreating the DDoS profile in production is simple enough however we have a third party manage our Production Systems so it would be easier to have them import my policy. Thank you in advance as always.
- cjunior
Hi, maybe you first list the DDoS profile to a file (or simply take the screen output) then merge it in the production config, like this way:
On test environment bash:
tmsh list security dos profile myddos_profile_name > /var/tmp/merge.conf
cat /var/tmp/merge.conf security dos profile myddos_profile_name { app-service none application { myddos_profile_name { captcha-response { failure { body "You have entered an invalid answer for the question. Please, try again. %DOSL7.captcha.image% %DOSL7.captcha.change% What code is in the image\? %DOSL7.captcha.solution% %DOSL7.captcha.submit%" } first { body "This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submission. %DOSL7.captcha.image% %DOSL7.captcha.change% What code is in the image\? %DOSL7.captcha.solution% %DOSL7.captcha.submit%" } } ip-whitelist { { } } latency-based { mode transparent } tps-based { ip-minimum-tps 60 mode transparent } } } }
On production environment bash:
tmsh load sys config merge file /var/tmp/merge.conf verify
If no errors found, then:
tmsh load sys config merge file /var/tmp/merge.conf
If you need to include all default or non-changed properties, run:
tmsh list security dos profile myddos_profile_name all-properties > /var/tmp/merge.conf
I hope it helps.
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