14 TopicsAPM Import error: config version 15.1 is not compatible with BIGIP version 16.1
I would like to migrate all of our APM policies from old F5 platform (v15.1) to newer F5 platform (v16.1). I can migrate most of the objects, except for APM. I get an error message "Import error: config version 15.1 is not compatible with BIGIP version 16.1" when import on the newer F5. I noticed there is a file calledng-export.conf inside the exported .tar file. Can I modify the following setting to correct version like this? I'm not sure if there will be bunch of other settings that may be not compatible between version. #F5[Version:15.1] #F5[Build:] To #F5[Version:16.1] #F5[Build:16.1.5-] Have anyone done like this before?Solved72Views0likes3CommentsLTM v13: Certificate Archive does not work
Hi all, Anyone who got this to work? https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K146208 I have v13.1.0.2 and try to export certificates as a *.tgz but I get the following error: Key management library returned bad status: -99, Internal Error; connection not set and no session from which to get it So it is not possible to export the certs anymore 😞 Any hints are welcome! Thanks, Peter461Views0likes5CommentsExport AFM firewall rules using Icontrol
Hi All, I am trying to export the complete firewall rule list using RestAPI in version 12.1.3 but I get the following response: command used: $select=rulesReference&expandSubcollections=true ver=","isSubcollection":true}}]}'expandSubcollections' is not recognized as an internal or external command It seems the expandsubcollections command is not being recognized at all. Complete response is: {"kind":"tm:security:firewall:policy:policycollectionstate","selfLink":"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/policy?$select=rulesReference&ver=","items":[{"rulesReference":{"link":"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/policy/~Common~DDCBU-Global/rules?ver=","isSubcollection":true}},{"rulesReference":{"link":"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/policy/~Common~DDCBU-management/rules?ver=","isSubcollection":true}},{"rulesReference":{"link":"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/policy/~Common~self-protect/rules?ver=","isSubcollection":true}}]}'expandSubcollections' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.Solved797Views0likes7CommentsExport VIP, Cert CN and Cert expiration date
Hi all, Client has requested the following information; VIP NAME, VIP IP, Cert CN + Cert Duration. I have a script that exports VIP and Pool, was hoping to collate all the information into this if possible. virtuallist=$(tmsh list ltm virtual | grep virtual | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr "\n" " " ); for v in $virtuallist ; do DEST=""; POOL=""; MEMB=""; DEST=$(tmsh list ltm virtual $v | grep destination | cut -d' ' -f6) POOL=$(tmsh list ltm virtual $v | grep pool | cut -d' ' -f6) MEMB=$(tmsh list ltm pool $POOL | egrep 'address '| sed '$!N;s/\n/ /') if [ "$POOL" != "" ]; then echo ""; echo " Virtual: $v - $DEST"; echo " Pool: $POOL"; echo "$MEMB"; else echo ""; echo "!! Virtual $v $DEST has no pool assigned"; echo ""; fi done :wq Cert expiry can be listed from - tmsh list sys file ssl-cert expiration-string Have noticed CN can be pulled using regex - regexp {CN=([^,]+)} [mcget {session.ssl.cert.subject} ] CNFull CNValue; return $CNValue Would there be a way to compilate this all into one script? I am very new to F5 and scripting, any help would be appreciated.448Views0likes1CommentiControlREST and Curl to save and download ASM policies
Hi, I want to be able to save/export asm policies on the F5 and then download. I want to do this using iControlREST and curl. I am able to save UCS files with the post shown below: curl -v -sk -u admin:admin https://myF5/mgmt/tm/sys/ucs -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"command":"save","name":"blah.ucs"}' | jq However if I try to do something similar for asm I get errors. Below is what I was trying with asm. curl -v -sk -u admin:admin https://myF5/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/fn9GoMrandomGvoN2dD -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"command":"save","name":"as_test.xml"}' | jq The error I get is: { "code": 400, "message": "Could not parse/validate the Policy 'Security Policy /Common/as_test'. Unknown field 'command'", "originalRequestBody": "{\"command\":\"save\",\"name\":\"as_test.xml\"", "referer": "x.x.x.x", "restOperationId": 59083, "kind": ":resterrorresponse" } Thank you1.8KViews0likes5CommentsPossible to export/import ASM policies via a script?
Is it possible to possible to export ASM policies from one F5 and then import the ASM policies into another F5 via a script? I'd like to export the ASM policies from our prod F5 and then import them into our DR F5 in bulk via a script instead of exporting/importing one by one. Thx2.1KViews0likes10CommentsCannot deploy or export SSL keys from Big IQ
We have not been able to deploy any configurations from Big IQ (V 5.3) to existing LTM (12.1.2) Virtual Servers if they are not natively created on Big IQ. However, we were hopeful that we could manage SSL certificates from Big IQ. So we created keys, CSR's and imported the associated certificates successfully on the Big IQ natively. The hope was we could deploy them to each LTM that required them. There should be no object conflict since these are net new objects being introduced to the LTM. We tried deploying as a partial with just the key to a single LTM. The Big IQ stated the evaluation and deployment was successful but this was in error as the LTM had no such object. This was not unexpected as we have not been successful with others. What was unexpected is the inability to export the private keys so we may import them on the LTM's. I have not been able to identify what directory these keys may be in or find any information on this subject. Any help useful!385Views0likes1CommentExporting a full list of Attack Sigantures
Hi. I am looking to export a full list of the current signatures I have in blocking mode. If possible, I would like to separate these lists in to their signature sets. If I navigate to "Security ›› Options : Application Security : Attack Signatures : Attack Signature Sets" then I can view the different signature set types. Let's take the High Accuracy Signatures for instance. If I click on those, I get a list of signatures that are a part of that set, but I cannot copy and paste them. I have people asking me for a list of these signatures so I am hoping there is an easy way to extract these. They want to be able to share it within their team to show what the WAF is doing for them, and what it is blocking so they can test it out for themselves. Is it a possibility that a file exists in the console that I can pull down through WinSCP that has a list of these? Similarly if I go to "Security ›› Application Security : Attack Signatures" I would like to be able to export the full list of 2857 signatures I have for this policy. Thanks.691Views0likes2CommentsExporting a DDoS Profile
Hi, I have a DDoS profile in my Test environment which I want to export so I can import it into our Production Environment. Is this possible? Recreating the DDoS profile in production is simple enough however we have a third party manage our Production Systems so it would be easier to have them import my policy. Thank you in advance as always. Regards664Views0likes1Comment