Forum Discussion
Export VS, Pool and WAF information to CSV file.
Why are using CSV files? Hope you are not mired at a company that keeps insisting on using spreadsheets for EVERYTHING! So this requires some discussion on "what *should* be used" depending on what you are trying to accomplish:
- CSV: If you have some exective or manager requiring this because they want to keep you busy or look important, well you are out of luck. You probably need to work on this fruitless endeavor.
- UCS Archive Backups: These should be used to perform regular backups, pre/post change and prior to any upgrades. Also, useful to have off box nighly in case you later need to perform a delta/diff and fix an admin snafu.
- GITHUB: With F5 moving to multi-tenant F5OS, mult-tenant/partitions on deployed applications (FAST templates), and imperative/declarative programming/automation, one should embrace Github! You can keep JSON files there for the purpose of leveraging the F5 API, or you can simply store the base /conf files so you can easily compare configurations.
- Ansible: Why not automate? With Ansible, and Ansible Tower, you can perform a scheduled configuration dump and email people. Just recently, I setup a process for a customer to find all active iRules, store them in a zipped archive, and email them out to both the network/application teams. You could do the same with Virtual Servers/Pools.
- Statistics: If you just need an operations snapshot, just copy/paste or export or screenshot the statistics page for Virtual Servers and Pools. Also as a pro-tip, you can use the Network Map to QUICKLY see the status of VIPs, Pools, iRules in play, etc. Always take a screenshot of this pre / post change to keep the app teams honest with a code deployment breaks something and not scheduled F5 work. Remember... 😉
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