Forum Discussion

Jason_L_40779's avatar
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Mar 15, 2011

Exchange 2010 RPC HA




Were implementing Exchange 2010 through our LTM hardware. I want to ensure that i have stateful failover if I do a patch, hotfix, or just a reboot/refresh. I know with OWA, and HTTPS the cookie will be stateful. However in regards to RPC being source address persistence, should I need to mirror that persistence to the stanby unit to unsure stateful failover with RPC...








  • Just wondering if anyone has experience working with Exchange 2010 and RPC. Its using a wide range of ports so we use a all ports VIP *0. I'm wondering to create more of a seamless failover, if it would be best to mirror source address persistence to the standby unit. I'm going to have 8,000 mailboxes going through my 6900 LTM hardware... I have a seperate 1 GB fiber synch interface between the 2 units.
  • Hello Jayson,



    I'm not massively experienced with Exchange I am afraid but rfom the description I would say that yes, mirroring the persistence records to the standby device will be necessary.


