error: deployment "apigw" exceeded its progress deadline
I tried to install nginx-controller, when I tried to install and startup automatically i had this error:
"16. Running database initialization task...
Job k8s-ctrl-init failed to complete.
Detailed information can be found in installation logs at /var/log/nginx-controller/failure. Retry NGINX Controller installation or contact support, providing all logs."
If I installed without starting the services I can see this:
./ controller status
error: deployment "apigw" exceeded its progress deadline
ERROR: Service is not ready: deployment.apps/apigw
kubectl logs apigw-6db76488c4-ddc6t nginx-init
Error from server (BadRequest): container "nginx-init" in pod "apigw-6db76488c4-ddc6t" is waiting to start: PodInitializing
Any idea?
Pedro Lourenço