Difficult cookie rewrite problem
I need to create an irule that does the following:
1. If the client is an https
connection, Insert header “MIG_Protocol” with value “https”
2. If client request
“User-Agent” string contains "AppleWebKit" and contains
"Safari" and does not contain "Chrome"
If cookie value “mdata”
with third number between [1322629200, 1329523199]
Action: Clean existing cookie,
set cookie value to new value.” new=1|23|4567”
Here is an example of a cookie I am trying to modify:
Cookie: id=985208336314226; path=/; expires=Sun, 07-Apr-13 18:43:49 GMT; path=/; domain=. example.com, mdata=1|985208336314226|1331232229; path=/; expires=Sun, 07-Apr-13 18:43:49 GMT; path=/; domain=. example.com, OAX=z9pHGU9Y/eUAAxue; path=/; expires=Sun, 07-Apr-13 18:43:49 GMT; path=/; domain=. example.com
Is there a way to specify the third number in the mdata field?
Here is what I have so far (sytax is correct but hasn't been tested):
if { [HTTP::uri] contains "secure"} {
HTTP::header insert "MIG_Protocol" "https"
set httpuri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
set useragent [string map {" " "_"} [string tolower [HTTP::header user-agent]]]
if {
((!($useragent contains "applewebkit"))) && (([$useragent contains "safari"]))
&& (([$useragent not "chrome"]))
&& (([$mdata >= 1322629200]))
&& (([$mdata <= 1329523199]))
HTTP::cookie discard
HTTP::cookie "new=1|23|4567"
} }