Different Logon Pages depending on REQUEST uri in Access Policy
I have no experience with APM and TCL. I just try to build simple policy using Visual Policy Editor for training. The goal is to get HTTP::uri (from the REQUEST) and analize it: if uri contains the word "softtoken" then go to one Logon Page, if not - use another Logon Page. I use some example of iRule to get the uri (found at F5 site). Since I just learning and I'm not so sure what happens, I add message box in every branch after iRule Event item.
Below The iRule that I use:
The Policy is here:
NOTHING works as I expected.:) Firstly, I do not get no one of Message Box screens that I customized. I always get default Message Box ("Please click the link below to continue"), so I cannot determine what branch was choosed. Then I get standard default Logon page, not one of mine. When I press on "Preview" at Customization:General than I can find my Message Boxes and Logon Pages configured as I wanted. But APM does not call them when authentication process executed.
Any help and explanation will be appretiated