Forum Discussion

moureg16's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
May 17, 2019

Devcentral relaunch || Really very confusing || Errors and Moved Stuff ..?!! || Complain

This is very sad that the community which is a very elegant healthy place that differ F5 from anyone else is not available when I needed that :(

I know that change is the most truth and change is for all good , but I have complains .


Dears , please make an action regarding moved or retired stuff messages as it's very annoying and a lot of help just evaporates ?!


I hope you guys understand our concerns and have a plan.




    I can not find anything anymore. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž 🀬 All Google searches end up with "404 Page Not Found". Any link on the internet from any search engine results in this.


    I can not find any of the articles I used to use or need. Hundreds, if not thousands of articles are missing!  I am missing the most important resource for supporting the F5. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž


    The upgrade was not well advertised, the customer base was not given enough notice, and F5 has a HUGE BLACK EYE!!! πŸ€¬ 🀬 Please tell me they have plans to roll this back or get the content up there! They need to work with Google to fix all the links or have the site re-indexed!



    • Adam_S's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      This has been a nightmare for may i am sure.

  • My problem exactly. One reason why Cisco is such an easy product to use is the vast amount of community knowledge that is accessible via Google searches. Now, links from Google bring me to 404 - this is really really bad, it's so hard to find information now.


    It's the bad way to migrate a site - a smooth migration involves keeping the old site online and giving the user the ability to switch between the old and new site, and freezing content updates on the old site.

  • Hey everyone...I completely feel your pain and agree this is a very frustrating situation. Please know that our entire team is working hard to fix all these issues. Your feedback is being heard loud and clear, and we take it very seriously.


    Feel free to continue to provide feedback so that we can capture everything that is going on.


    We know that the DevCentral community is what it is because of awesome members like you. We value your contributions, and we will continue to work hard to bring you the community experience you expect and deserve.



    John...for the DevCentral Team

  • K-Dubb's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    I had posted a new topic right before the change under ASM, now it's like it never happened.

    • ltwagnon's avatar
      Ret. Employee

      Hi K-Dubb, could you try posting again? Let us know if you have any other issues posting the question. Thanks.

  • Worst idea ever - unconditionally move loyal users to new (and ugly) design.

    1. material design in not that fancy for most of the users who do work and not hanging out on devcentral website
    2. ugly and unreadable font for articles headers - somebody in F5 devcentral design team has impaired vision? Go ahead, buy glasses, contact lens or eve do yourself a present - make an eye vision operation. WHAT THAT BOLD FONT IS FOR??? With condensed space between letters. Are there any UI/UX pros in F5 team or none? It that none of at this moment.
    3. Why no option to use old design? Come on, its 21st century out of the office - plenty of computatiional resources out there - make a mirror of website with _usable_ design and look and feel.
    4. Blue design. Now F5 and A10 is the same. Yep.
    5. Search fail. Google is the main source for navigation. Not your website. GOOGLE. Not your website. It is an additional step in reach to process: go to devcentral, login instead for serarh-google and move to page
    6. LOGIN. WHAT IS THAT FOR ON EARTH?!?!? Are guys have KPI for DAU and MAU on devcentral??? Are you a social network? And not just network hw/sw commercial vendor? Are-you-sure?
    7. Did those "smart people" (note the quotation marks) tried look and feel of new design in various browsers? What about pages/questions/articles TITLES? Informative titles ARE GONE. Instead of "kerberos sso for apm" now it's just like "Feed" for a page title. You, "smart people" just can not be SO "smart" - it's impossible fk up with usability.
    8. What about pipls bookmarks?



    I think it's just new manager, head of department or something.

    A new gyu. Promoted or just freshly hired.

    Who need to "show something for what we've paying you money".


    FIRST RULE: It works? DO NOT (ever) touch then.



    Would you, Devcentral, please, return back following functionality a lot of f5 customers used a lot:

    1. availability to jump to dc pages from google (and yes; nobody cares about your kpi for dau/mau; remove this "0D51T00006j2WCYSA2" from uris)
    2. informative page titles. as was before.



    DC is supportive mechanism for sales. It doesn't generate sales itself. DC head thinks he (or she or whatever it's gender) is important guy in F5? No it's not.

    DC. is. supportive. thing. Let it be so. Let DC perform its main function - streamline process of getting tech info and interchange.


    Thank you in advance.


    NOT THANK YOU for new broken and ugly design and for broken flow.

  • I am currently using the cached websites from google its painful

  • I'm also feeling this is a big step backwards. I do a search and it can't find things like it used to. Have to futz the search keywords and finally some things appear. Can't right click to open the result which means that the result list goes away with the content of the one I click. Taking more time to get back to the search result to look at another item. ANd this is my first 5 minutes... Where did the smarts go?

  • The old page was indeed much more usable. Swapped half of my brain into devcentral and now i cant find anything. Scrolling through trunkated post to find some old codings and continiously clicking on all those β€žshow me moreβ€œ links gets boring very quick.


    I feel lost...


    Cheers, Kai

  • I was not able to merge old en new login due to the fact that i was not aware of the merge (it was not on the login page for example). So thought i was geeting nuts and set "reset pw" but then i found you need to re-create and merge in a later phase. As you can image i have a new account now but not the option to merge because PW does not match anymore ...


    Wrote a mail to support but hopfully they can get this fixed ...

  • This should had come as a beta testing. DevCentral is a huge community, now half of the community is lost because of this migration.


    Should you just roll back till everything is sorted & have a beta testing or should we adapt to the new changes. ​


    Never apply anything on PROD without testing.