Aug 03, 2012Altostratus
Details of CARP persistence
Is anyone able to provide more details about the F5 implementation of CARP? There is surprisingly little detail I can find. SOL11362 briefly describes how, but gives no information about what it is doing. There is a link to the IETF draft, but as is mentioned else where in the forum, the BigIP implementation is different.persist hash [HTTP::uri]". What does the "persist carp" command do, and why is this not used?Is the implementation of CARP equivalent to the Election Hash algorithm? i.e. does it hash the taget string and the node IP and make an LB selection based on the outcome?Is the CARP load factor function implemented, eg using the pool member ratio field?Is the hash function available to iRules? Thanks,Stephen
SOL11362 currently says it is relevent up to v11.1. Is the site outdated, or is it not applicable to 11.2?
The example iRule says "