Forum Discussion

Cpet's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jul 11, 2018

Deployment differences regarding Apache web server and IIS web server.

Hi all,


i have a cluster of BIG-IP VE ver. and i want to use them as a simple load balancer for 2 web servers. My question is if there are deployment differences regarding Apache web server and IIS web server or is the same configuration both.


Thank you,




1 Reply

  • Hi,


    It's depending of backend server configuration.


    in a global way it's more or less the same thing.


    In all case you will have to manage this point:


    • If you set interception validate, in some case (IIS) you wil insert SNI in client ssl server. Some IIS protection need this settings.
    • If it's a web service and set interception or offloading ssl don't forget to set an http profile.
    • Important point for routing set snat automap unless your F5 acts as GW.
    • for monitoring some system (apache or IIS) need to add header in order to query backend for health.

    each system has its particularity. everything depends on the configuration of the backend.


    But in all case use the good tools to investigate:


    Curl for validating monitoring and routing from F5.


    YOu can also use curl or openssl c_client to checl SSL/TLS part if you have problem with cipher or cert.


    Keep me update if you need more details.

