Forum Discussion
Create zonefile records on GTM using TMSH
Is it possible to create SOA records on the GTM using the command line tmsh?
I can create a new WIP with the following:
create wideip pools add { Test_Pool }
However, the above commands use the GTM hostname for the SOA details such as 'Master Server' and 'Email Contact'.
Instead of using the internal hostname, I want to create the SOA and NS records using a globally available domain name.
I can do this using Zonerunner from the web GUI but I want to be able to script it from the command line.
There is the following method that describes making modifications to the zonefile but I would prefer something from the tmsh that does not require manually freezing the zonefile:
- Mark_Crosland_2Historic F5 AccountThere is currently no tmsh interface into the zonerunner/named/bind database. It is on a roadmap.
- TomL_122341
Hi, is this still on the roadmap or has this been released? I have been searching for an answer to this specific question and almost gave up until I found this thread. Thanks, Tom
- Jason_Keating
Bump - I have the same question as Tom.
- Faintly_Lucky_2
Gents, I know that this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but if you're handy with iControl, you can add a second step to your plan and write/run a script that will change the SOA values for you. Check out Management::ResourceRecord::update_soa in the iControl wiki. I use scripts to add/delete/modify A and MX records now instead of the GUI.
Even with the initial development time for the scripts, I've saved countless hours by not having to use the GUI. I can provide code samples in Perl because that's what I write in, but any other language and you're on your own.
- Nylgia_68484
I would be interested in the perl scripts. Thanks! - jg_abaitua
Hello Faintly Lucky, can you please also let me see your perl scripts for managing DNS records over CLI? - neenee_208438
Same here, Faintly Lucky. Can you provide some perl samples?
- Faintly_Lucky
Gents, I know that this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but if you're handy with iControl, you can add a second step to your plan and write/run a script that will change the SOA values for you. Check out Management::ResourceRecord::update_soa in the iControl wiki. I use scripts to add/delete/modify A and MX records now instead of the GUI.
Even with the initial development time for the scripts, I've saved countless hours by not having to use the GUI. I can provide code samples in Perl because that's what I write in, but any other language and you're on your own.
- Nylgia_68484
I would be interested in the perl scripts. Thanks! - jg_abaitua
Hello Faintly Lucky, can you please also let me see your perl scripts for managing DNS records over CLI? - neenee_208438
Same here, Faintly Lucky. Can you provide some perl samples?
- Brandon_12856
I also wanted to control zonerunner. Specifically to create 'static' resource records like MX and TXT records. I stumbled across a little shell that seems to be what does the work for the configuration gui: zrsh. Variables, designated @VariableName@, are injected from my management tool- below are some examples of the format.
@Zone@ = '' @EscapedZone@ = 'example\.com' @RecordType@ = 'MX' @DesiredRecords@ = '"external 3600 MX 10" "external 3600 MX 20" "external 3600 MX 20"' @Authority@ = ''
Here's the script I ended up with:
!/bin/sh ZoneFile=/tmp/newzone.external.@Zone@. Zone=@Zone@ RecordType=@RecordType@ ZoneExists=0 DesiredRecords=(@DesiredRecords@) Authority=@Authority@ Check if zone exists echo "listzones" | zrsh | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep '^@EscapedZone@\.$' && ZoneExists=1 If zone didn't exist, create it if [ $ZoneExists -eq 0 ]; then Create Zone File Defaults ISODate=`date +%Y%m%d` cat << EOF > ${ZoneFile} \$ORIGIN . \$TTL 500 ; 8 minutes 20 seconds ${Zone}. IN SOA ${Authority}. hostmaster.${Zone}. ( ${ISODate}01 ; serial (YYYYMMDDVV) 10800 ; refresh (3 hours) 3600 ; retry (1 hour) 604800 ; expire (1 week) 60 ; minimum (1 minute) ) \$TTL 0 ; 0 seconds NS ${Authority}. \$TTL 3600 ; 1 hour \$ORIGIN ${Zone}. \$TTL 0 ; 0 seconds EOF echo "addZoneFile external @Zone@. master db.external.@Zone@. \"${ZoneFile}\"" | zrsh rm -f ${ZoneFile} fi Strip existing static records echo "displayzone @Zone@." | zrsh | grep '@RecordType@' | awk '{ cmd=sprintf("echo ''delrr external %s %s %s %s %s %s'' | zrsh ", $1, $1, $2, $4, $5, $6); system(cmd) }' Set desired static records for i in "${DesiredRecords[@]}"; do echo "addrr $i" | zrsh; done
- Gilles_MOULIN_1
Does anyone knows how to create a slave zone with zrsh ??
I have a hundreds of zone to create on my GTM as slave and I cannot resign myself to use the webUI !
Except this article, I found no other example of use of zrsh.
- san2hosh_306591
Gilles MOULIN did you find answer for your question?
- Gilles_MOULIN_1
no offically supported solution... only scripts.
- jba3126
It baffles me to this day how this has not been accomplished for going on 12+ years now. Especially with Automation. It is painful to use the iControl SOAP interface. It works, but we know it is being deprecated and what then ... SSH again?
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