Forum Discussion

TMaCEvans_92750's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 16, 2011

converting regex to irule

i'm wondering if its possible to carry out the below rules below in an irule?



article page: match url="^([A-Za-z\-]+)/([A-Za-z\-0-9.]+)/([0-9]+)(/)" url="Full_Article.aspx?art_id={R:3}"



category archive page: match url="^Archive/([A-Za-z\-0-9.]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)(/)" url="archive.aspx?cat_id={R:2}&pg={R:3}



date archive page: match url="^Archive/([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)(/)" url="archive.aspx?mon={R:1}&yr={R:2}&pg={R:3}



news homepage: match url="^/" url="Home.aspx"



rss page: match url="^Rss" url="RSS.aspx"
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Can you give a few sample strings for each case? We should be able to adapt this to iRule code using scan or string commands instead of regexes for better performance.






  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The answer is definitely yes. As Aaron indicated, using something other than regular expressions will likely be vastly superior performance wise. Regular expressions are powerful and when necessary iRules can certainly allow you to use them, but we tend to recommend them as a last option.



  • I've managed to get all the rules working accept for this one


    category archive page: match url="^Archive/([A-Za-z\-0-9.]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)(/)" url="archive.aspx?cat_id={R:2}&pg={R:3}



    } elseif { [scan [HTTP::uri] {/Archive/%[A-Za-z\-0-9.]/%[0-9]/%[0-9]} s1 s2 s3] == 3 } {


    scan [HTTP::uri] {/Archive/%[A-Za-z\-0-9.]/%[0-9]/%[0-9]} s1 s2 s3


    log -noname local0. "$s1 $s2 $s3"


    HTTP::respond 301 Location "http://[HTTP::host]/archive.aspx?cat_id=$s2&pg=$s3"



    I'm not sure how to simulate the (+) as when i try add it in i get the following error on the f5



    Aug 25 11:15:12 local/tmm err tmm[5040]: 01220001:3: TCL error: NewsRegex - bad scan conversion character "(" while executing "scan [HTTP::uri] {/Archive/%([A-Za-z\-0-9]+)/%([0-9]+)/%[0-9]} s1 s2 s3"