Forum Discussion

veato's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 20, 2018

Change Webtop Remote Desktop Icon

I have an access policy for VMware VDI and I can't seem to change the icons for my webtop/remote desktop links.


The default icon is "terminal_service.png" located in /var/sam/www/webtop/public/images/full_wt


I have changed this to an icon with the same dimensions (32px) in Access Policy>Customization>Basic>Remote Desktop and General>Branding>Remote Desktops but still the old icon is dispayed.


Any ideas?


  • Did you change it for any languages! This customization can be different for each language!


    • AMiles_377865's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

      In the past, I have also made changes to some webtops that were not reflected in the GUI for a good 15-20 minutes. But I've also made changes in different environments that were reflected instantly. I have tried clearing browser caches, clearing ram_cache, and switching browsers, none of which resolved the issue.


      Do know of any other solution? Is apm caching the webtop information somewhere?


    • Dave_Li_331092's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I did clear the cache but it didn't work. Also, browsing to https:///public/images/customization/Common//image_en.png dose display the updated image.


      The icon I'm updating is for a remote desktop resource and compare to other resources such as portal/network access, it is kind of "dynamic" (valid remote desktop resources/icons are enumeration by a mid-layer server which authorizes the user). Don't know if that makes things a bit different.


  • Hi,


    I have the same issue now.

    I also clear the cache and it didn't work.

    Did you found solution for this?