Forum Discussion
Change the IP TOS by HTTP header
I have a scenario that I need to change the tos in the IP header based on an HTTP header if it exist then I should change the tos, can I do it by an iRule or by any other way?
something that should look like this I guess:
if { [HTTP::header exists "TOS"] } {
IP::tos 16
log local0.alert "[IP::tos]"
I trying to understand why this is not working.
Thanks in advance.
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Schmal,
- mtaylornzNimbostratusHi Guys,
- rK_77696Historic F5 Account
I have the same issue with another PoC, I am about to try a crack at using a Binary scan to solve the problem.
- John_Alam_45640Historic F5 AccountThe IP::tos command can be used to set the value. I've only used it in the CLIENT_ACCEPTED event.
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