Forum Discussion

ybloi's avatar
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Dec 21, 2017

Change single blade B2100 in viprion chassis

Hi All,


If I want to change a SINGLE blade B2100 in active viprion chassis C2400, should I shutdown the active viprion chassis first before proceed to change blade? Or can I just change the blade without shut down the chassis? The viprion chassis is designed in HA mode.


  • If I want to change a SINGLE blade B2100 in active viprion chassis C2400, should I shutdown the active viprion chassis first before proceed to change blade? Or can I just change the blade without shut down the chassis? The viprion chassis is designed in HA mode.


    if i were you, i would failover, shutdown only the blade i want to change and then change the blade. to shutdown specific blade, you just run halt or shutdown on bash of that blade.