Forum Discussion

AwesomeNetwork1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 31, 2017

capturing the CN from a X509 subject

I found irules for capturing the X509::subject, but I need to capture the CN and insert it into a http::header. It looks like I can do that with the subject. any idea on how (if possible) I can isolate just the CN from the X509 subject?


  • Hi,

    if you have the subject stored in variable subject, use the following code=


    set subject_element [split $subject ","];
    foreach value $subject_element {
        if {[string first "CN=" $value] >=0} {
            set CN [string range $value [expr {[string first "=" $value] +1}] end ];




    array set fields [split $subject ",="]


    the CN is then stored in $fields(CN)

  • Hi

    You can use this to retrieve the CN from the subject

     set subject [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]]
     set fields [split $subject ","]
     log local0. [lindex $fields 0] // this will show you in the /var/log/ltm the


  • Will this code below assign a the cert CN to a value CN?




    set debug 0 if {[SSL::cert 0] eq ""}{


    reject } else {


    set ssl_cert [SSL::cert 0]


    set subject [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]]} set subject_element [split subject ","] foreach value $subject_element { if {[string first "CN=" $value] >= 0}{ set CN [string range $value [expr {[string first "=" $value] +1}] end] break } } }


    What would be my procedure to add the CN to a header?


    Something like -


    HTTP::header insert "es-security-runas-user=$CN"


    Thanks for the help and the quick respons.


  • Hello,

    You can use the following

    HTTP::header insert ES-Security-RunAs-User $CN


  • Hi,


    use this code:


      set debug 0
        if {[SSL::cert 0] eq ""}{
        } else { 
            set ssl_cert [SSL::cert 0]  
            set subject [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]]}
            array set subject_fields [split $subject ",="]
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[info exists subject_fields(CN)]} {
            HTTP::header insert "username" $subject_fields(CN)