Forum Discussion
May 16, 2011Capture TCP Reset with iRule?
Hi, can you help me?
I need to capture in LTM v10 all TCP request, TCP Reset and TCP Establishment that are generated by Clients... the same information that I see with a tcpdump but I need to capture the log all the time.
It´s necesary to development an iRule?
I appreciate you help
- hoolio
Hi Doris,when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { Log locally or remotely that a connection was established log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: Connection to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] on [virtual name]" }
- Doris_Ramirez_2
Thanks for your answer, with this iRule it´s possible to capture all ip address that request a connection or only a specific... and it´s possible to capture the disconnection too? - Doris_Ramirez_2
Thanks for your answer, with this iRule it´s possible to capture all ip address that request a connection or only a specific... and it´s possible to capture the disconnection too? - hoolio
That iRule would log the client IP:port and virtual server IP:port on any connection that was successfully established. If you wanted to log this info for connection closes as well, you could use the CLIENT_CLOSED event. These are the only options that iRules support for your scenario. - Doris_Ramirez_2
The objective is to see if the client closed the connection or if the server closed the connection, basically is to know who generated the disconnection. - hoolio
That won't be exactly possible with an iRule. You could try to track whether the clientside or serverside connection was closed first but that still won't tell you who sent a FIN or RST first. - Doris_Ramirez_2
ok, - hoolio
I don't know of a simple way to get a tcpdump sent in syslog format. But you could run the tcpdump from a remote host and get the output on the remote host: - Doris_Ramirez_2
Hi Aaron... - hoolio
The last suggestion allows you to run tcpdump with any switches you want. The specific example captures 10,000 packets, but you could remove that flag to continuously capture. You can also customize the filters to only capture specific TCP flags like SYN or FIN or RST.
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