Forum Discussion

lkchen's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 21, 2012

Can't buy more SSL TPS?

Seems the start of classes is putting the hurt on our PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system.



Manager wondered if we need to get more SSL TPS. Since originally we though 5000 TPS would be sufficient. But, now that we're using 2048bit certificates...this cuts us down to 1000 TPS....




So, he wanted to buy more SSL TPS. But, we've been informed that our 6400 is old, so we can't license any more features for it. Said we need to buy a new pair.








Which on another subject, I've been trying to get a quote on a new pair for a different project. (apparently we need to separate things for PCI-DSS.) But, can't seem to get a quote by email....they keep insisting on calling me at strange times and leaving messages to call back at non-tollfree numbers. I'm a lowly state government employee, I'm not allowed to make long distance calls.


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Lawrence,



    Email me (aaron at f5 dot com) and I'll try to have someone in sales contact you directly.



    Thanks, Aaron