Hi Wire,
Here are a couple of (untested) options I can think of:
1. Create an attack signature that matches the URI and blocks anything that starts with /images/ that doesn't end with your list of static file types. Here's a regex which matches the patterns you want to allow:
So if you can negate this, it should work to block anything that doesn't start with /images/ and end with a static file type:
Using the not character (!) with keyword and pcre rule options
You can use the optional not character (!) before the keyword and pcre rule options. This specifies that the rule is only matched if the specified option is not matched. Refer to Syntax for attack signature rules, for more details on the use of this modifier.
2. Create another HTTP class which matches on URIs starting with /images/. In that new policy, only define the static filetypes you want to allow.