Forum Discussion

Roadster198's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 12, 2022

Can you alter a BIG-IP APM currently using Dynamic webtops to start using Storefront instead?

Please be gentle as I'm new to F5 BIG-IP.

Can anyone tell me if you can alter a current APM Policy which is set to use F5 dynamic webtop to start using Citrix storefront servers instead?

Or would it be safer to create a whole new policy?

Our current version is and the iApp version we currently have is f5.citrix_vdi.v2.4.4.

Checking the F5 documentation it looks like  version doesn't support f5.citrix_vdi.v2.4.4. and I'll need to download version 2.46.

Any help appreciated.



  • Bit late to the party, been away. So the issue is if the configuration is in place already, especially iApp related then its not ameanable to being modified. If you do it will rebuild the entire thing. While this is great for dynamic deployment its not so great for production services.

    As Jason suggested copy the config and deploy it elsewhere with a different listener address to tinker. Preferably a VE image, until you are sure the components look correct and the inbound and egress endpoint look ok. You should be able to test against that so see if things behave as expected. Once you are happy you can tear down the old and re-deploy in a staging environment to validate it all works before final prod deployment.


  • Roadster198 - can't be much gentler than *no answer* eh? Have you made any progress yet? If not I might pitch this over to our MVPs; they may be able to get you started the right way.

    Thanks for joining our community.

    • Roadster198's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hi Lief,

      Thanks for replying. One of the other community managers has replied this morning.


  • Policies can be modified if not under a strict-enabled iApp deployment. That said, I'd prefer to duplicate and modify a copy, makes it easier to roll back if there are issues. I would recommend being on the supported citrix_vdi iApp template for your version of TMOS.

    • Roadster198's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Thank you Jason. This is kind of what I was thinking I just really needed it confirmed.


  • Bit late to the party, been away. So the issue is if the configuration is in place already, especially iApp related then its not ameanable to being modified. If you do it will rebuild the entire thing. While this is great for dynamic deployment its not so great for production services.

    As Jason suggested copy the config and deploy it elsewhere with a different listener address to tinker. Preferably a VE image, until you are sure the components look correct and the inbound and egress endpoint look ok. You should be able to test against that so see if things behave as expected. Once you are happy you can tear down the old and re-deploy in a staging environment to validate it all works before final prod deployment.