Forum Discussion

Adrien_Legros_1's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 27, 2012

Call a WebService from APM page (message box, logon page)

We have a lot of SSL v3 application that are using client certificate (from multiple CAs) for authentication and we would like to perform a call from our APM policy to perform OCSP validation (for multiple CAs).


We have the WS (.NET) and we would like to aumatically call it from an APM page (logon or message), send parameters to the WS and receive a response.


As someone already done some kinds of implementation? Is it possible to add some code into APM pages?



Thanks for your help


  • Hello


    Did you manage to do this? We have the same need.


    I guess it could be done using iRules
  • Hello


    Did you manage to do this? We have the same need.


    I guess it could be done using iRules
  • Hello


    Did you manage to do this? We have the same need.


    I guess it could be done using iRules
  • Hello


    Did you manage to do this? We have the same need.


    I guess it could be done using iRules