Forum Discussion

mbromb_59571's avatar
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Nov 18, 2011

bip-ip ve hyper-v unable to ping default gateway

I'm losing my mind. I've installed the big-ip ve 10.2.3. trial into 2 different Windows 2008 R2 hyper-v labs. One is a desktop and the other my laptop. After bringing up the F5 in both, I was having trouble pinging the virtual management network NIC. Somehow I got the desktop to work after adding the correct NICs and restarting the F5, but that isn't working on the laptop. I've ran the config util and have the ip set to The Hyper-v virtual mngmnt NIC is, which is set as the gateway on the F5 mngmnt NIC. I cannot ping the gateway from the F5. What am I doing wrong??

1 Reply

  • I'm not aware of any trial version except 10.1. If you have an eval key, I'd open a pre-sales case with the engineers that created the eval for you.