Apr 22, 2019Cirrus
BigIQ integration with Cisco ACS (TACACS+)
I'm working with Big-IQ Central Manager and would like to authenticate against our TACACS (Cisco ACS) and use the RBAC capabilities; however the documentation is slim at best. I'm getting an error, "User has no roles or groups associations.
Trying to compare what we set our LTMs to authenticate using remote roles that are defined in ACS (below) to what I have on our BigIQ.
On our LTMs:
1. No users defined local
2. Authentication - Remote - TACACS+
3. Remote Role Groups
a. Group Name = TAC-Auth
b. Line Order 20 (Relative to our env.)
c. Attribute String = F5-LTM-User-Info-1=TAC-Auth
d. Remote Acccess = Enabled
e. Assigned Role = Other = %F5-LTM-User-Role
f. Partition Access = Other = %F5-LTM-Partition
g. Terminal Access = Other = %F5-LTM-User-Console
On ACS (Only giving one example)
Shell Profiles
1. F5-Device-TACAuth-Admin
2. Custom Attributes
a. F5-LTM-User-Info-1 = TAC-Auth
b. F5-LTM-User-Console = enable
c. F5-LTM-User-Role = Administrator
d. F5-LTM-Partition = All
1. Auth Providers =
a. Name = NA_ACS
b. Type = TACACS+
2. User Groups
a. F5_Admin
c. Authorization Attributes
F5-BigIQ-User-Info = F5_Admin
%F5-BigIQ-User-Role = Administrator
ACS - Note: My understanding is that since BigIQ doesn't use partitions or the Terminal/Console role it might not be needed.
2. Custom Attributes
a. F5-LTM-User-Info-1 = F5_Admin
b. F5-LTM-User-Role = Administrator
Thank you in advance for any insight!