Forum Discussion
When you attach a legacy app on the BIG-IQ it adds the TCP/HTTP analytic profiles on the BIG-IP and this could generate a load, so better use this for your most critical apps and maybe during an investigation when there is an issue you can create a legacy app from existing VS and then remove it after the investigation.
That is my suggestion as exact numbers I can't give you for legacy apps as also it depends on the traffic of the legacy app but I think the BIG-IQ generated TCP/HTTP analytic profiles should have Transaction Sampling enabled, so that not every request is logged to BIG-IQ but I have forgoten if this check is enabled in the profiles. Still the VIP will more traffic may more utlize the BIG-IP when doing the logging.
Hi, Nikoolayy1 thank you for your response.
We have already implemented custom HTTP/TCP profiles on most of our VIPS in BIGIPs.
So when I create a new legacy app in BIGIQ, it costs additional resources, except the existing telemetric data sent to BIGIQ?
If yes, can I create the same number of applications as the VIPS with HTTP/TCP assigned profile?
- Nikoolayy1Sep 13, 2023MVP
I don't understand your question 😀
If you have profiles already logging traffic localy on the BIG-IP maybe test removing them on one VS and adding the legacy app from BIG-IQ then from BIG-IQ change the profiles to log traffic Internally and Remote as this is how traffic is send to BIG-IQ.
InternalSpecifies that the system captures a portion of the application traffic which you can then view on theSystemLogsCaptured Transactionsscreen.ExternalSpecifies that the system captures a portion of the application traffic and sends it to a remote server. If you select this option, theRemote Publisheroption is displayed, where you select a log publisher.- MaxMedovSep 13, 2023Cirrostratus
OK, I'll try to explain myself.
I already configured the Analytic Profiles of HTTP/TCP on all the VIPS in BIGIP.
I receive this data in BIGIQ and can monitor it in HTTP/TCP dashboards.
Now, we want to create applications based on those VIPs and give RBAC to the relevant teams.
The question is whether the application (on legacy VIPs that already have TCP/HTTP profiles) will add more loading or use the same telemetric data from BIGIQ?
For example, I am already sending HTTP/TCP analytics data from 10 VIPs to the BIGIQ.Suppose I'll create 10 legacy Apps on BIGIQ based on those VIPS. Is that will load more of the BIGIP devices or just the BIGIQ itself?
Thank you, hope this is more understandable- Nikoolayy1Sep 13, 2023MVP
I have not tested that but why you want to have legacy app and another analytics profile? Why don't you just remove the old profiles and create the legacy app?
Also it is interesting if you will see the same data from the legacy app in the HTTP/TCP dashboards (I have only used the legacy app dashboard) as the concept is the same just one extra dashboard for the legacy app that the developers can use.