Forum Discussion

Kent_G's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 02, 2020

BigIP Client Installation Disappears

I am a contractor and my client has instructed me to install the BigIP Edge client to connect to their VPN (BIGIPEdgeClient-7132.exe). I have attempted to install it on my laptop three times. The first by double-clicking the exe file and the last two by right-clicking and installing as Administrator (I do have admin rights to my laptop). In all three cases, the installation runs for a minute or two, giving progress text like "Installing ActiveX control" and eventually appears to complete successfully, then prompts me to restart my computer to complete installation. I do. But after the restart, there is no evidence that the software has been installed. No desktop icon, no entry in the start menu, no entry in Add/Remove programs. I am not new to VPN software at all, but new to BigIP. What could the issue be?

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