Forum Discussion

rafaelbn's avatar
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Dec 12, 2019

BIG-IP CGNAT - v15 - PBA periodic block refresh logs

Hellos Devs!


I read on v15.0.0 release notes that you could now send periodic block refresh logs.

"CGNAT: Port Block Allocation periodic block refresh logs

This release includes a new logging option that logs Port Block Allocation (PBA) block periodically with a configurable refresh time"


I tryed to find this option on the GUI and CLI but I just can't find it. Even tryed on v15.1.0.


Does anybody knows where it is hidden?


Thanks, Rafael

  • if you are using the CGNAT instead of AFM security you will find it under "Carrier Grade NAT ›› Policies : Source Translation"


  • Hello Rafael,


    I believe you can find the setting under the TMUI "Security → Network Address Translation (NAT) → Source Translation" on the object you have or need to create. If you select type: Dynamic-PAT and PAT mode: Port Block Allocation you should be able to see "Periodic Refresh Log :" setting, which is in minutes. If you prefer TMSH you have it under


    root@(vbigip-tier2)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# create security nat source-translation srcTranslation1 pat-mode pba port-block-allocation { per?



    root@(vbigip-tier2)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# create security nat source-translation srcTranslation1 pat-mode pba port-block-allocation { per




  • if you are using the CGNAT instead of AFM security you will find it under "Carrier Grade NAT ›› Policies : Source Translation"


  • Thanks Stefano! I will check those options soon! Is there a plan to release a configuration guide for the new way of CGNATing on the GUI? I saw that the GUI is different from v13 and v14. Just trying to wrap my head around it...

  • Hi Rafael,


    I don't know that if any new documents aside from the one already published will be available. If it can help I know you can find that setting in this document

  • I was not finding this option because I believe it's only available on the "new method", with a policy. If you enable "Legacy LSN Pools Editor" you don't see this option on the GUI or CLI.