Forum Discussion

Eduard_Laera_26's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 16, 2005

bad ssl sessionid containing null byte

Hello Everybody,



We have a problem replicating the SSL Proxy feature "SLL Client Session


insertion" into http headers of a BIGIP v4 System into v9. The iRule


does work but replaces the last byte of the sessionid with a null byte which confuses the service on the members of that pool so it becomes unusable.



Example (unprintable chars made visible):



v.4 behaviour of the "Insert Client Session ID: initial"



SSLClientSessionID: 243a02c81348c645b1eadb80f3ba5767e581490e27be1eaf4b83c36f69af9c1d[13][10]



v9.1.0 behaviour of iRule:


HTTP::header insert [SSL::modssl_sessionid_headers initial]



SSLClientSessionID: 412410b6c661d935751242fbf9bf57da9ed4718a4eda68d4bfabf7266ecdf1e[0][13][10]



We also tried using the shortened version [SSL::sessionid] but


it didn't help neither.



Is this a know bug or is there another setting we overlooked?



Our version is BIG-IP 9.1.0 Build 6.2.



Thanks for any response.



Kind Regards,



  • unRuleY_95363's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    You could always work around the problem by using SSL::sessionid and then trimming the end off. EG:
    HTTP::header insert SSLClientSessionID [string trimright [SSL::sessionid] "\0"]

    The trimright may not work but you could also use:
    HTTP::header insert SSLClientSessionID [string range [SSL::sessionid] 0 end-1]

  • Hi unRuleY,



    I think that would be worse.


    If the client creates a 128Bit Session Id and there 16 Bit


    missing that could mathematically


    generate 65536 diffrent session that look like the same.



    And thats bad bad for secure ecommerce (beside propper session handling)!








    P.S. Of corse we do _not_ rely on the ssl sessionid as a the only


    session handler, but others may! Who knows what other side effects


    this may cause!


  • bl0ndie_127134's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Why don't you encode the data returned by SSL::sessionid using b64encode and use 'HTTP::header insert' to insert the header manually.
  • Jos_52767's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi there,



    Has anybody managed to create a work-around for this issue?



    Kind regards,


  • unRuleY_95363's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    We've determine why the problem occurs and we now have a hotfix available for this. Reference CR57247.



    So, this leave you with two options.



    a) truncate the null byte off the end and go with the first 31 bytes. If the bigip is terminating the ssl, then this will actually be alright because of the way the bigip generates the session id. You are guaranteed not to encounter the same first 31 bytes in a session id for about 65 years.



    b) get the hotfix from support.



    Hope that helps.