Forum Discussion

Marvin_129795's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 06, 2018

AVR remote logging HSL pool

Dear All,


I am trying to set up AVR remote logging to send web statistics to an external syslog server, but no traffic is being send at all.


I configured the pool for sending syslog traffic.


Configured ARV Analytics profile for external statistics logging type enabled.



The log publisher named syslog used in the Analytics profile refers to the Syslog-ECM log destination.


The syslog-ECM log destination is configured as type syslog and refers to the syslog pool.


But traffic is not being send. If I use an Irule for sending logs to the destination it does work, it is not an IP connectivity issue but a more AVR specific one.


Someone tried this out before, please leave your comments.




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