Forum Discussion
Assistance with an iRule
Interesting challenge. Try this?
when RULE_INIT {
set static::key "fc2ed2bf490ad801c04ccd46b9d85b0c"
set static::iv "7e2fe021d573c0eedd93c4b2704b1b3e"
set time [clock seconds]
set encryptedtime [CRYPTO::encrypt -alg aes-128-cbc -keyhex $static::key -ivhex $static:iv $time]
HTTP::header remove SECRETTIME
HTTP::header insert SECRETTIME [b64encode $encryptedtime]
You can test it like by applying this rule to a test VIP:
when RULE_INIT {
set static::key "fc2ed2bf490ad801c04ccd46b9d85b0c"
set static::iv "7e2fe021d573c0eedd93c4b2704b1b3e"
set time [clock seconds]
set encryptedtime [CRYPTO::encrypt -alg aes-128-cbc -keyhex $static::key -ivhex $static::iv $time]
HTTP::respond 200 SECRETTIME [b64encode $encryptedtime]
And then test decrypting with curl and openssl:
curl -sI <ip> | grep SECRETTIME | awk '{print $2}' | openssl enc -a -d -aes-128-cbc -K fc2ed2bf490ad801c04ccd46b9d85b0c -iv 7e2fe021d573c0eedd93c4b2704b1b3e
Edit, made key + iv static to avoid being shamed by the iRules community.
Edit2: Added an example and changed to 32 bit hex key to follow the spec. F5 accepts 16 but openssl does not accept it.
- Jul 28, 2022
Forgot how fun it is to be challenged by technical questions in the Devcentral forum. Too bad coding, work and kids takes up too much time. 🤔
- LiefZimmermanJul 28, 2022
I hear ya Patrik! It's hard to maintain balance. Thanks for the assist!
And SugarsB - if this solved your problem clicking Accept as Solution will give at least one of Patrik's kids a cookie. 🍪
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