Forum Discussion

Sven_89244's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 13, 2009

Assistance needed for SNATing plus other irules

I've got a task to do some snat and some other traffic modification.



connections with destination-port 6200,6201,6202 should have a timeout of 6 hours.


connections with certain ip (x.y.234.167 and .170) and destination port 1100(openft) should be SNATed to a.b.20.d



now i've created following rules







switch [TCP::client_port] {








IP::idle_timeout 21600




default {


IP::idle_timeout 3600




} }








check if client_addr = any in the class


if { [matchclass [IP::client_addr] equals $::InternalHosts]} {



check if the class contains the server_port requested


if { [matchclass [TCP::local_port] equals $::openft_port]} {



snat using this source address


snat a.b.20.d



} else {


don't do any source address translation












class InternalHosts {


host x.y.234.167


host x.y.234.170




class openft_port {









and implemented it to a VS in this order.


virtual Routing_Back {


lasthop pool GW


pool GW


destination any:any


mask none


vlans internal enable


rules x1 x2


profiles int_fastL4





The effect was that new connections couldnt be established.


What mistake have i made?



Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply

  • When you say the connection couldn't be established, what do you see in a tcpdump? Is the connection from the client to the VIP address established? Do you see any serverside packets sent? Is there a RST from the VIP address back to the client and/or a RST sent from the LTM address to the destination? Or does it time out with no response?



    If you're using a fastL4 profile, you'll need to run tcpdump on the port number to see all packets (tcpdump -ni 1.1 host CLIENT_IP or host DESTINATION_IP).



    Also, I think you mean to use TCP::local_port instead of TCP::client_port in the first iRule as I assume you want to check the port the client made the request to--not from.



    Can you add logging to each case in the iRules and post anonymized copies of the debug from /var/log/ltm for the failure?


