Forum Discussion
ASM block page for use with API waf policy
Hey all!
I´ve setup a asm waf policy for a webservice that handels api calls. But the standard response on a block is a 200 OK with the block webpage, which works great if a person can see it on the screen.. when it´s an api call the service just gets a <!DO (the first characters of the webpage) and a 200 OK.
What I want to do I just return a 403 / 503 (or something like that) and just respond with the support ID in a header back to the source.
I´ve got most of it figured out, except the header part...
So... doesnt anyone know a good way for me to insert a support ID to a header response back to the client?
Also keep in mind that ASM_REQUEST_DONE irule event will show you support id even for good requests, so if you want to insert the header only when there is violation then you can use ASM_REQUEST_BLOCKING as a replacement for ASM_REQUEST_DONE as it will trigger only for bad requests.
Just an update from me. I found a much much simpler way to accomplish this.
In the settings for the policy and under response and blocking pages, i edit and created a new header and just used the support id variable from the page on the header and that worked like a charm. No irules to apply or anything. 😄
Why not save the ASM::support_id to variable from the "ASM_REQUEST_DONE" event and then in the ''HTTP_RESPONSE'' event just insert the value in a header?
Don't forget to enable the irule event triggering under the ASM policy as by default it is dissabled for some stupid reason.
- kimhenriksen
I did this first:
set support_id [ASM::support_id]
#log local0. $support_id
HTTP::header insert ASM $support_id
#log local0. $support_id
HTTP::header insert ASM $support_id
#HTTP::header insert ASM2 testtest
}But.. there´s no header receieved on the client end..
Did you check what I mentioned ?
Not when ASM_REQUEST_VIOLATION but ASM_REQUEST_DONE and the irule trigger should be enabled under the ASM policy and set to Normal mode not Compatible.
- kimhenriksen
I´ll change the event and try again.
I had already changed the irule setting before so events are triggering ok.
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