Forum Discussion

Piotr_Lewandows's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 19, 2017

Applying Analytics profile to VS changes chunking behavior?


I was doing some test (v11.2.0HF7) and for some reason two almost identically configured server was delivering different responses to the client:

  • One chunked
  • Second not chunked

Both VS were sending traffic to the same backend server, using same settings for Response Chunking: Selective

After long trial&error it turned out that disconnecting Analytics profile from VS disables chunking of the reply send to client.

Why so? Is that bug or expected behavior?

In Analytics profile options enabled as below:

ltm profile analytics my-analytics {
    alerts none
    app-service none
    captured-traffic-external-logging disabled
    captured-traffic-internal-logging enabled
    collect-geo disabled
    collect-http-throughput enabled
    collect-ip disabled
    collect-methods enabled
    collect-page-load-time enabled
    collect-response-codes enabled
    collect-server-latency enabled
    collect-url enabled
    collect-user-agent disabled
    collect-user-sessions disabled
    collected-stats-external-logging disabled
    collected-stats-internal-logging enabled
    defaults-from analytics
    description none
    notification-by-email disabled
    notification-by-snmp disabled
    notification-by-syslog disabled
    notification-email-addresses none
    partition Common
    remote-server-ip any6
    remote-server-port 514
    remote-server-syslog-facility local0
    sampling-ratio 1
    session-timeout-minutes 30
    smtp-config none
    traffic-capture {
        capturing-for-my-analytics {
            app-service none
            captured-protocols all
            client-ips none
            methods none
            node-addresses none
            request-captured-parts headers
            request-content-filter-search-part none
            request-content-filter-search-string none
            response-captured-parts headers
            response-codes none
            response-content-filter-search-part none
            response-content-filter-search-string none
            url-path-prefixes none
            user-agent-substrings none
            virtual-servers none
    trust-xff enabled

Is any of above setting forcing VS to send chunked response to client?
