Forum Discussion

Patrick_McGlyn1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 15, 2010

Application migration iRule

I am trying to write an iRule to migrate applications from an old web farm pool to a new web farm pool. The web servers are setup to run multiple application instances on the same IP and Port. For example,


VIP with SSL termination and cookie persistence



Old Web Pool


APP1 –,


APP2 –,


APP3 –,




New Web Pool


APP1 –,


APP2 –,


APP3 –,




I wrote the iRule to select the pool base on the URI as follows:





set time_out 3600


if {[findclass [HTTP::uri] $::old_server_pool " "] ne "" } {


pool old_server_pool-80


} elseif {[findclass [HTTP::uri] $::new_server_pool " "] ne "" } {


pool new_server_pool-8001







It is not working as I thought it would. The web servers are doing a redirect from VIPIP/APP1/login.html to VIPIP/psp/APP1/?cmd=login. I have to put the redirect URI in the data group instead of the original URI. Why isn’t the original URI evaluated? Is there a better way of doing this?




  • Hi Patrick,


    can you post the structure of your data group?



  • I think that it might be because you are using findclass instead of matchclass.

    In your example you are saying:

    If the [HTTP::uri] is equal to a value that I have stored in my data group, replace that value with the second data group value. If that value is not equal to "" nothing, then direct traffic to pool "old_server_pool-80.

    findclass is best used for a Match and Replace.

    Searches a data group list for a member whose key matches the specified string, and if a match is found, returns the data-group member string.

    Try matchclass:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] equals $::old_server_pool] } {
    pool old_server_pool-80
    elseif { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] equals $::new_server_pool] } {
    pool new_server_pool-8001
  • Sure. I should have thought to include it. I started with the following:



    class old_server_pool {







    I had to change it to the redirect URL to get it to work.



    class old_server_pool {







  • Michael,



    Thanks for the information. I tried the matchclass and it didn't work. I logged the URI before it hits the if statement. It is being logged as the redirected URI.



    log local0. "uri_string is => [HTTP::uri]"






    Jun 15 17:25:14 tmm tmm[700]: Rule test-pool-select-irule : uri_string is => /psp/app1/?cmd=login



    I am not sure why.


  • Hi Patrick,

    From what I can tell you could do the following

    class redirectapp {
    "/app1/login.html  /psp/app1/?cmd=login"
    "/app2/login.html  /psp/app2/?cmd=login"
    "/app3/login.html  /psp/app3/?cmd=login"

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      set uriredirected [findclass [string tolower[HTTP::uri]] $::redirectapp " "]  
       if {$uriredirected ne "" } {
               HTTP::redirect "$uriredirected"
               pool new_server_pool-8001

    This means if someone enters it will be redirected to /psp/app1/?cmd=logi

    or if someone enters it will be redirected to /psp/app2/?cmd=logi

    or if someone enters it will be redirected to /psp/app3/?cmd=logi

    is this what were looking for?


  • Made a correction on the code



    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri] {
               "/psp/app*" { 
                          pool new_server_pool-8001 
               default  {
                     set redirectapp [findclass [string tolower[HTTP::uri]] $::redirectapp " "]  
                     if {$redirectapp ne "" } {
                         HTTP::redirect "$redirectapp"






  • Thanks Bhattman. I think it should work but I am still confused. Why does the URI show up in the log as the redirect URI received from the web server and not the original URI enter by the client?



    I thought I would see the URI as /app1/login.html if https://VIPIP/app1/login.html was entered in the browser instead of /psp/app1/?cmd=login which is the redirected URI sent back by the web server.