Forum Discussion

SH_F5_381212's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 14, 2019

APM lab set up to test end to end SSL VPN connectivity.

How one can set up a APM lab to test end to end SSL VPN connectivity. I am trying to see , if I can have host(on the internet)gets access to resource (resource pool)and host has ip from the lease pool ?


  • Hello Sanjay,


    You can always ask F5 for a lab license to test out your configuration. If you are instead looking for actual information about the configuration you can always use this post from F5 HERE.


    Feel free to ask if you have any follow-up questions,




  • Hello Sanjay,


    You can always ask F5 for a lab license to test out your configuration. If you are instead looking for actual information about the configuration you can always use this post from F5 HERE.


    Feel free to ask if you have any follow-up questions,




    • SH_F5_381212's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Austin,


      Thank you for the great link and information. I think I have tried that but when I tested it didn't work as intended. I am trying to see, If I can be able to test it end to end connectivity. Such as : Host gets ip address from the lease pool after authentication and has access to resources which is behind the APM and configured under the virtual server.


      Any inputs on how to get that done step by step would be great. Having a configuration as per link is great but if we can test (with example )the validity of the config then it gives a joy.

