Forum Discussion
[APM] iOS Device Unique ID / MAC Address white list
I'm trying to add extra security checks for APM VPN on iOS Devices:
This document ( shows how you can use session.client.unique_id to check the Unique ID with this expressión:
expr { [mcget (session.client.unique_id) ] == "bf6bf0e8a9eb3b46daa4a9abd755861a04a94ee4"
It also says that you can easily implement a white list check combining that expression with a LDAP or AD query.
How can I make a RADIUS, TACACS or LDAP query inside an expression to check if the iOS device is included in the company's owned devices list?
Thank you.
- Seth_CooperEmployeeHi Manuel,
- JMCalalangEmployeeI use MAC address checks for iOS devices authenticating, plus another step of AD query for the user logging in. the mac query looks like "Expression: expr { [mcget {session.client.mac_address}] == "X:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" } the hex characters ARE case sensitive.
- soymanueNimbostratusI've been able to do it. I had another problem: I didn't know how to convert the result of that expression into a value to check.
- soymanueNimbostratusI've been able to do it. I had another problem: I didn't know how to convert the result of that expression into a value to check.
- soymanueNimbostratusI've been able to do it. I had another problem: I didn't know how to convert the result of that expression into a value to check.
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