Forum Discussion

fjl80_29796's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 04, 2014

APM CCU consumed license

Hello there,

is it possible to know the exactly CCU license that are consumed by user´s access?

If you read this note some access types dont consume CCU licenses.

In this example there are 185 active sesssions, some of them are using Edge client/network access (so consuming license) but others are using activesync access (not consuming license).

I Cant find a way to make the difference between currently active sessions and currently consumed licenses.

root@(f5-xxxx)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show apm profile current-module

total sessions: 83.8K
total established sessions: 65.6K
current active sessions: 185
current pending sessions: 0
current established sessions: 185

Thank you, Fran

  • To view the total number of active APM access sessions you can use snmpwalk as follows...


    snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmAccessStatCurrentActiveSessions


    To view the total number of active APM sessions using CCUs use...


    snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns


  • Hello there,

    is it possible to kwnow the exactly CCU license that are consumed by user´s access?

    If you read this note some access types dont consume CCU licenses.

    In this example there are 185 active sesssions, some of them are using Edge client/network access (so consuming license) but others are using activesync access (not consuming license).

    I Cant find a way to make the difference between currently active sessions and currently consumed licenses.

    root@(f5-xxxx)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show apm profile current-module

    total sessions: 83.8K
    total established sessions: 65.6K
    current active sessions: 185
    current pending sessions: 0
    current established sessions: 185
  • To view the total number of active APM access sessions you can use snmpwalk as follows...


    snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmAccessStatCurrentActiveSessions


    To view the total number of active APM sessions using CCUs use...


    snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns


  • Hi ,


    Is there any way to have it in an access policy ?


    I am using this variable but seems not to give the right data:


    [mcget -license {tmm.license.global_access}]


    It gives me around 5000, while my max ccu's are 100 atm, few used.


    Does anybody know whick is the right variable to poll ?


    This one is good (under tmos) :


    snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns.0 = Counter64: X


    where "X" is the real ccu used


    Just do not know how to find the right one under apm...




  • To anyone who is still searching for it, this line does the trick:


    [mcget -license {tmm.license.global_access}]


    It's not a documented APM action (it has to be inserted in an empty block).


    Lounging, Nicola.


  • THi's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    You may already have found how to get those values in APM VPE (at least in sw 12.1.2). In VPE, use "License" box from Endpoint Security (Server -Side) tab. Then check the branch rules in advanced mode, to see the commands used to retrieve global and access profile specific max and current values.


    You can use variable assign to have them available for later use. The values are retrieved using mcget, for example global ones (CCU used for connectivity license here):


    • Current global CCU:mcget -license {tmm.license.global_connectivity}
    • Max global CCU:mcget -license {tmm.license.global_connectivity}
    • Current global access sessions: [mcget -license {tmm.license.global_access}
    • Max global access sessions: mcget -license {tmm.license.global_access}

    Similarly profile specific concurrent user count is: mcget -license "tmm.profilelicense.[mcget {session.access.profile}]"