Feb 19, 2016Nimbostratus
APM Access stats per OS
Hello I'm trying to create report to show the connections made to an APM Access Profile with different Client OS. First of all, I tried to do it with an APM Report but I haven't found the way to do it. Now, I'm trying with iStats.
This iRule fails:
log local0. "Guardando logs iRule APM [ACCESS::policy agent_id]"
switch [ACCESS::policy agent_id] {
"LOG_OS" {
set OS "[ACCESS::session data get session.client.platform]
ISTATS::incr "RemoteAccess c $OS" 1
This is the error:
Feb 19 14:42:48 rochelle-intx err tmm[11266]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/LOG_APM_VERSION_OS - Error: Fact0: requested Id0 (type=HEADER) as type FACT (line 1) invoked from within "ISTATS::incr "Teleacceso c $OS" 1" ("LOG_OS" arm line 6) invoked from within "switch [ACCESS::policy agent_id] { "LOG_OS" { set OS "Prueba" log local0.notice "Guardando logs "
What am I doing wrong?