Forum Discussion

Frank_Zoechling's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 21, 2015

APM / VMware View 6 / Radius and Active Directory Auth



i'm using APM and the VMware View iAPP to provide Access to VMware View Connection Brokers. I have extended the Access Profile with Radius Authentication for 2-Factor Auth. But there is a Little Problem: If i try to Login with the View Fat Client, it asks me to enter my radius credentials (fine so far). If i enter the correct credentials the Client asks for the AD credentials, but between Radius and AD credentials, the Client is showing a Access denied error. It seems that APM passes the Radius credentials to the active Directory Login page:



Here is the Access profile:



i also tried to clear session username and Password after radius authentication, but with no success. Login will success if i enter AD credentials, but the Access denied error message before entering the the AD credentials still apears. Could somebody help me with that?


Kind regards, Frank


  • Hi Franck, I have solved my problem. I have deleted the AD View Logon page and AD authentication boxes in the VPE. That works fine and the AD authentication is made by the Connexion Server. That differs with the previous 11.4.1 HF2. Regards. Patrice