APM - show Kerberos Tickets
- Jan 04, 2015
Hi René,
It seems F5 stores the TGTs for Kerberos in different cache files under the "/var/run/krb5cc/*" directory. Once there, depending on your partition set, there should be a different cache file for every user account which has been "delegated".
PATH for kerberos cache files: /var/run/krb5cc/"PartitionName"/"ADAuthServerName"/
For example, in my lab:
"[] config klist /var/run/krb5cc/Common/portal_f5_lab_aaa_srvr/krb5cc_0
Ticket cache: FILE:/var/run/krb5cc/Common/portal_f5_lab_aaa_srvr/krb5cc_0
Default principal: USER1@F5.LAB
Valid starting Expires Service principal
01/04/15 15:39:11 01/05/15 01:39:11 krbtgt/F5.LAB@F5.LAB renew until 01/05/15 15:39:11
01/04/15 15:39:11 01/05/15 01:39:11 ldap/dc1.f5.lab@F5.LAB renew until 01/05/15 15:39:11
[] config klist /var/run/krb5cc/Common/portal_f5_lab_aaa_srvr/krb5cc_1
Ticket cache: FILE:/var/run/krb5cc/Common/portal_f5_lab_aaa_srvr/krb5cc_1
Default principal: USER2@F5.LAB
Valid starting Expires Service principal
01/04/15 15:39:11 01/05/15 01:39:11 krbtgt/F5.LAB@F5.LAB renew until 01/05/15 15:39:11 "