Forum Discussion
Mar 01, 2011Alert for Pool Member down
I read the "how-to" override the alert messages (linked below) but I'm wondering if anyone has figured out how to utilize "$target" alert attributes. High-level, I need to find out how to create an alert like the example below. I thought I should be able to do this by implementing new aggregate/roll-up monitors but I'm struggling with how to get it to work.
Desired Alert = Pool member [poolmember_name] using port [port] which is a member of the pool: [pool_name] has been marked down for the following reason [Availability_reason]
- Julian_Balog_34Historic F5 AccountHi Mike,
AvailabilityHealth Error true Normal Error $Target/Property[Type="F5.LTM.PoolMember"]/TargetIP$ $Target/Property[Type="F5.LTM.PoolMember"]/MonitorState$ $Target/Property[Type="F5.EnabledObject"]/AvailabilityState$ $Target/Property[Type="F5.EnabledObject"]/AvailabilityReason$ WorstOf
F5 LTM Pool Member Monitor State Monitor F5 LTM Pool Member state monitor F5 LTM Pool Member State Monitor Alert F5 LTM Pool Member state monitor alert. Target IP: {0}, monitor state: {1}, state: {2}, reason: {3}.
- MSIMON007_64454
But keep in mind that our next release of the F5 Management Pack would make these types of overrides a lot easier, as it will provide out-of-the-box alerts for mostly all of the F5 monitors. And then you can just simply override the alerts. - Julian_Balog_34Historic F5 AccountMike,
- Julian_Balog_34Historic F5 AccountHi Mike,
- MSIMON007_64454
So I downloaded and installed the latest MP and I see that a lot more alert descriptions are now included Out-of-the-box. Great job! However, when a pool member goes down I need the alert description to include the name of the Pool the member is a part of (per my orignal post "Desired Alert = Pool member [poolmember_name] using port [port] which is a member of the pool: [pool_name] has been marked down for the following reason [Availability_reason]")
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