Jun 06, 2011Nimbostratus
add pool question (JSP)
Could any experts help me with add a pool in JSP?
i used following code (From:, but i always get error message.
Also please paste code about how to add more than 1 pool member, thanks.
iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[] membersToAdd = new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[1];
membersToAdd[0] = new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition("", 80);
m_interfaces.getLocalLBPool().create(pool_names, lb_methods, membersToAdd);
Error Message:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The method create(String[], LocalLBLBMethod[], CommonIPPortDefinition[][]) in the type LocalLBPoolBindingStub is not applicable for the arguments (String[], LocalLBLBMethod[], CommonIPPortDefinition[]) my.jsp /iControlDEMO/WebContent line 87 JSP Problem